Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Oogly Boogly

Dear Blog People,

Oogly Boogly Doogly Dah...I'm quite tired today...and quite hysterical...but that's to be expected this deep in the theatre process.

Yesterday, we spent the first half of our rehearsal making rain sticks. Yes. A very long and tedious, but necessary task. Why did we spend so much time making rain sticks out of chicken wire and rice? Well, we need them for the storm scene, of course, and we all know the storm scene needed work. So we made the music and sounds and proceeded to re-stage the storm after lunch. We kept our original opening image of a ship, made beautifully with our bodies. We then proceeded to experiment with how to make sound throughout the rest of the scene. Not an easy task as every actor is on stage during the storm and we, therefore, must carry our instruments with us throughout the scene. We came up with a rough outline which we will fill in today with fresh brains.

We also hope to work through the play - slowly, hitting each scene with the necessary transition and song work, so that when we're finished working through it we will have killed two birds with one stone. We will do this so that tomorrow (and, of course, this is subject to change) we can do another full run of the show before meeting with PR people for interviews/, that sounds fancy...

That's about it, really. We're looking at tightening and polishing. We're looking at hydration and, hopefully, rest. We're looking at Edinburgh one week from tomorrow.

With love,

The Tempest Ladies

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