Thursday, September 23, 2010

What's Past is Prologue

Hi Everyone,

We've arrived to NYC opening day and are excited and ready to roll. We can't wait to see your smiling and supportive faces sprinkled throughout our audiences this weekend. You have all been so kind and encouraging. We couldn't ask for a better base of people to build on.

We've had a busy week. We had a line through on Sunday where we literally said all of the lines of the show from start to finish out loud. We were grateful to find the words were still there and spent a lot of the line through using different voices and dialects and rapping and singing our way through the text. When we got to the goddess scene, we sounded like a party of ghouls bemoaning a deathday. It was a lot of fun and very entertaining.

On Monday, we got into the space on 43rd street and tried the muslin canvas out. We've gone from a 'full screen' space in Syracuse to a 'wide screen' space in Edinburgh and now we're working with a 'mini camcorder' space in NYC. But we've adjusted and the show is filling the space nicely. We also did a sort of delirious run on Monday night in which we marked through the show physically, hitting all of our physical cues within the space and playing any instruments we might play when we're not in the scene. The inner monologue of this experience went something like this: "Okay, lights up. And sway, sway, sway. Storm. Fall. Up. Exit center. Shake the muslin. Fall out. On stage. Lines, lines, lines - exit left. Sit on side. Play instrument...NOW - exit left. Enter center. Acting, acting, acting. Exit right. Enter right. Acting, acting, acting...Harpy." This proved to be useful as, like with the text, we were reassured to find the show was still very much present in us physically.

Tuesday night came and we did a stumble through of the show with a full run. Energy was a tad wonky, but important discoveries were made. One of those being that because we'd had a month between Edinburgh and NYC, our choices had been allowed to percolate and sink in deeper. There was a greater trust in the show and our characters and we found we are now able to play and improvise within them, which is really delightful and a lot of fun.

Wednesday we had a solid run of the show. It's running at the time in needs to and we've figured out the space. Any technical issues were sorted out - especially thanks for Holly's brother, Will, who adjusted and ran lighting through the show.

Today is Thursday - the day we open. We're thrilled to say we're sold out for tonight with limited seating available tomorrow. We're sold out on Saturday and have small groups of seats available for Sunday and Monday. If you still want to come, it's not too late! Email

Looking forward to seeing so many of you this weekend.

All the best,

The Tempest Ladies xoxo

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