Sunday, June 6, 2010

By Providence Divine

'Ello! (That's British for hello.)

I'm Dana. I think I'm the last Tempest Lady (do I capitalize these words?) to introduce myself and I know I'm the one who suffers the severest case of writer's block. I am also self-conscious about my apprehension of proper grammar; and punctuation? Anyway, I felt compelled to write a few words of very emphatic THANKS in light of recent events! Since launching our Kickstarter fundraising page three days ago, our generous project backers have donated $2236.00! We are already 75% funded and 10000000% thankful. It means the world to know that we have such a large and caring support system of friends, family, and professors willing to lend a helping hand and share in this experience. We are truly grateful for each contribution whether it be a monetary gift, a gift of wisdom and advice, or candy (which can be mailed directly to me...for the other tempest ladi- my stomach). Please know that we are infinitely inspired by your generosity and "thus humble ever". We still have $764.00 to raise in 34 days so "gentle breath of yours [our] sails must fill, for else [our] project fails, which was to please". That was a quote from a play by William Snakesteare, I believe it is called The Temptress and it's funny 'cause it's true! If we are half as lucky (and I'm no good at percentages) as we have been in the past 72 hours, I'm sure we will achieve our goal! Thank you thank you thank you again and again and again for all the kindness and support. We love you.

Chip Chip Cheerio,

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