Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello avid blog readers and confused internet users who accidentally ended up on this site:

My name is Laura Borgwardt and I am in no way affiliated with the Tempest Ladies. (Actually, I just wanted to break the trend of people claiming to be involved with this project…but in reality, yes, I’m an ensemble member. Oh boy. Let’s see how my writing style translates to people who don’t know me…it could be disastrous).

We are now on a slight hiatus—after graduation we all went our separate ways for a month of work, home, being a child actor star, etc, before we head to Syracuse in July to rehearse for the Fringe.

We are working our way up the social media ladder and are excited about our twitter account (which I have no idea how to use…but our resident internet geniuses are taking care of it), our blog, and are now endeavoring into the world of—we’ll tell you more about that once it gets up…but let me just say, we’ve got some kick-ass prizes in store! Oh! And we are now listed on the Quaker House Website as part of their official programming (! Check it out! And then when you happen to be in Scotland this summer on holiday, come and see the show!!!

Other current tasks include memorizing our parts, collecting instruments (over the past week I have spent many an hour in my room playing random drums and tin cans…my job doesn’t start until next week…what can I say?), searching for a venue for our New York performance, and living our lives. It’s all very exciting.

That’s it for now. I’m sure the more prolific members of our ensemble will continue to blog and make up for my sad display of blog ineptitude.

Love and peace.



  1. The Quaker Meeting House is a good site. I remember that SU used the same site for their staging of "The Laramie Project" a few years ago.

    Hope all it going well and look forward to seeing the show in well, a few weeks time...

    Stephen Armstrong
    2000-01 Lockerbie Scholar

  2. This reads like one of your letters :)
    And when you say you're "bringing the Tempest to you," do you mean me? I'd love it. I guarantee that Pohnpei would never forget it. I miss you.
